Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The End of the Road

I can't believe that there's only two weeks and two days left in this pregnancy! I can't believe there are only two weeks and two days until I can meet my little baby!

How far along?  37 weeks and 5 days!
Total weight gain/measurements: I'm hovering at 25 lbs, which is exactly as much as my midwife told me I could/should gain.
Maternity clothes: All the time. And now nursing bras, for comfort mostly.
Stretch marks: Same as before; they're definitely there, but they're not getting any worse.
Sleep: I want it so bad, but it seems to be escaping me. I have really bad heartburn at night now, and every time I roll over I feel like I'm going to throw up. And my hips hurt from only being able to sleep on my sides. And also I feel like I'm burning up all night long.
Best moment this week: My midwife appointment yesterday, finding out that I was 50% effaced and 1/2 cm dilated, baby's in -2 station, and we're making progress towards labor! ALSO (I have two because I can), I had an ultrasound last Friday because the midwife was concerned that at 36 weeks pregnant my belly was measuring 40 weeks. We got to see baby's sweet little face and found out that baby's weighing-in at about 7 lbs!
Miss anything? Sleeping on my belly!
Movement: Yes, although it's a lot more smooth, rolling type movement vice early kicks and punches.
Food cravings: Power of suggestion!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Heart burn. Bleugh.
Gender: Unknown, still! 
Labor signs: Lots of BH contractions and the stuff I mentioned before.
Symptoms: Heartburn and BHs. Lots of cervical pressure (read: lightening crotch). Giddiness and anxiety. Senioritis for pregnant people.
Belly button in or out? Out-ish. It's most flat except in a few spots where it kinda sticks out.
Wedding rings on or off? On 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy but tired, which makes me kinda cranky.
Looking forward to: My mom comes in a week and a day to be here for baby's big entrance! It's crazy that she'll be here so soon!

Wanna see some updated pictures? How about a sonogram?

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