Wednesday, October 29, 2014


I will be 34 weeks tomorrow. You know what's the most 'holy crap' about that? That if I go into labor any time after two weeks from tomorrow, they won't try to stop me. Anytime after two weeks from tomorrow, I could have this baby. I mean, I most likely won't, but still. That's an overwhelming thought...

How far along?  34 WEEKS tomorrow!
Total weight gain/measurements: Roughly 21 lbs. as of my last midwife appointment.
Maternity clothes: As usual.
Stretch marks: Yes, they are come. Just a few at the bottom-most bit of my belly, so I can't even really see them. It also seems like I may be getting two parenthetical stretch marks on either side of my belly button. I just keep slathering on the butter and oil!
Sleep: Oh, it's so weird at this point. I can fall asleep on the couch, no problem. But one I'm in bed with all my fluffy pillows, and my Snoogle, and my cozy covers, I just cannot get comfortable and I cannot get to sleep. Once I am asleep, I'm good for quite a few hours until I need to roll over. And then the whole shenanigans being again.
Best moment this week: It hasn't yet happened, but it will this weekend! BABY SHOWER PART II!
Miss anything? My midwife has me on a bit of a carb modified diet as the end of this pregnancy approaches, so I'm missing my mac and cheese.
Movement: Always. 
Food cravings: Power of suggestion!
Anything making you queasy or sick? YES! What the heck is going on? Third trimester morning sickness? It's apparently a thing, but it really sucks.
Gender: Unknown, still! 
Labor signs: Definitely experiencing Braxton Hicks, lots of tightening going on.
Symptoms: Heartburn, exhaustion, morning sickness, and the BHs.
Belly button in or out? In-ish. It's protruding, but there's still a hole.
Wedding rings on or off? On 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy but tired, which makes me kinda cranky.
Looking forward to: Midwife appointment this Friday. This is when we'll determine whether or not I actually NEED another ultrasound. The original thought was that I would because baby would be too small, but now it seems baby is measuring big, so they may check to see about how much baby will weigh! We will see!

Also, here's a sneak peek of the nursery! We still don't have the crib, and I do have things left to hang on the wall, but I'm holding off on a full 'reveal' until it's completed!

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