Monday, June 30, 2014

16 Weeks & Pregnant: The Great Parental Tell All

So it's time to divulge the way I told my parents, in laws, siblings, friends, etc! I had high hopes for all kinds of cute, video taped pregnancy reveals, but it turns out that when you're overcome with excitement, you just kinda wing it and hope for the best! I have a feeling this is going to take a couple posts to cover everyone...

So after I told hubs, I shared that I really wanted to tell my parents first, as this was their first grandchild. I wasn't sure exactly how, but I knew that about a month and a half after we found out, we were going to VA to visit them. Like I was saying about excitement though, I was having a very hard time keeping the secret! That's when I realized we had a golden opportunity: my parents would in MA around the time of my first ultrasound! My mom could come to RI to come along! So we made the trip out to MA to tell them. It was very difficult to get them alone because, daggonnit, they both had things they had to do. Finally, I just said to both of them 'Stop it! Come here!' And they did. I asked my mom her schedule for the coming week and if she thought she would be free on Thursday, May 1st. She looked at me quizzically, as did my dad, and I said '...because I was wondering if you wanted to come to my first ultrasound.' It took an obvious second for the realization to hit her. My dad's arms were the first around Pete and I, and then my mom joined in with an 'OH!' They both cried, my dad more so than my mom, and we went to Pizza Hut for lunch. With all my aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, family friends, just everyone. My mom had an ear to ear smile on her face, and my daddy couldn't stop looking at me. It was awesome and special and emotional.

Pete's parents are old pros at kids. Not only is my MIL a midwife who has delivered a couple thousand babies, but she and my FIL have 4 grand kids, courtesy of my SILs. For Mother's Day, we got my MIL a 'Grandmother' card, and an Alex and Ani 'Grandmother' bracelet. She didn't get it at first, because of course she's a grandmother, and then she went to open the card. An ultrasound fell out. She stopped, said 'Uh!', and just stared at it for what felt like forever. And then, because my FIL didn't realize this was an important moment and was in a different room, she hollered for 'Charlie!' She quickly put the ultrasound back in the card and brought it over to show Charlie. He read the front of the card, unimpressed because of course she's a grandmother, and then he opened the card. 'Is this you guys?' he stared dumbfounded for a good two minutes before kind of half laughing. The two of them were absolutely flabbergasted! It was hilarious!

I'll post more reveal stories next week! I'm off to lie on my side now after dinner, which is sitting weirdly...

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